Leadership Beyond the Bench: Embrace Your Role
Leadership Beyond the Bench: First-String or Coming off the Bench, Embrace Your Role In business or leadership, pressure is often felt to be a first-string player, leading the charge and making those critical decisions. This feeling can make you feel inadequate and worst as a failure if you don’t always succeed in your role. I hope you […]
Leadership Lessons Learned: My Journey from Running to Leading
When I was fresh out of college, I decided that running would become my escape from the pressures of a new career. This was an easy commitment as I have always been very athletic. Physical exercise was a tremendous release from stress and always gave me the energy to focus more on what matters most. […]
Data: The Key to Unlocking Nonprofit Success
Measuring Impact and Leveraging Results to Propel Your Mission Forward What data should be collected and analyzed to measure growth and impact for a nonprofit? This is probably a common question you ask yourself as an organizational leader at the end of each year. To put it in athletic terms, how will you know if […]
Don’t Fall Into The Comparison Trap! It’s Too Hard To Climb Out Of.
Pay careful attention to your work. Then, you will be satisfied with a job well done and will not need to compare yourself to anyone else. – Inspired by Galatians 6:4 Do you fall into the trap of seeing something posted online by a friend or celebrity and have an immediate adverse reaction to their […]
Rowing Together: 8 Strategies for Unifying Your Team and Steering Success
Lessons from “The Boys in the Boat” for Nonprofits and Businesses Introduction I recently watched the movie “The Boys in the Boat.” The 2023 film is packed with metaphors that apply to life, running a business or nonprofit, and being a leader or team player. It struck me that if your organization is rowing at […]
Control the Controllables: A Guide to Navigating Life’s Uncertainties
“Focus on What You Can Control, Let Go of the Rest” Life is full of uncertainties, and we often find ourselves overwhelmed by things beyond our control. The phrase “Control the Controllables” offers a simple yet profound strategy for navigating these uncertainties. This concept, rooted in wisdom and practicality, has resonated with many, including athletes, […]
Nurturing a Positive Work Culture: The Pitfalls of Gossip and Judgement
In today’s fast-paced and complex work environments, fostering a positive culture is essential for cultivating productive and engaged teams. However, unseen forces often play a role that can erode trust, damage relationships, and hinder collaboration. Gossip and judgment are menacing threats to a healthy workplace culture. Gossip, often fueled by idle chatter or the desire […]
“Businesses Don’t Fail. Leaders Do.” But do they know why?
Navigating Leadership Challenges by Embracing Change and Innovation in 2024 In today’s fast-paced business world, where change is the only constant, the role of effective leadership cannot be overstated. As new graduates enter the workforce, they encounter a business environment fraught with challenges, many of which stem from outdated leadership practices. Reflecting on my recent […]
Developing Relationships and Consensus Through Being Open-minded
As a leader, are you willing to consider new ideas? In community engagement through my consulting company, Everyone Thrives Consultant Services, I often find people who want to solve the same problem with differing opinions. I know that is a shocker. In the book The Leadership Challenge, authors Kouzes and Posner cite that people are […]
Navigating Nonprofit Trends: Living Your Values and Embracing Flexible Strategic Planning
What will you learn from this article: Are you doing business today the same way you did in the past and not getting the same results or the growth you expect? This could be the definition of insanity, but that is another article for another time. Recently, we were reminded that in the ever-evolving landscape […]