Are you a highly effective person?  That’s really where all leaders need to start.

I challenge anyone who is a leader to tell me they don’t want to be a highly effective leader.   In fact, if I were to ask you today to give me six to ten characteristics of an ineffective leader, most people who have a job or who watch the news could do so. 

Why is it so hard to become an effective leader?  It really starts with discipline, values, wisdom, courage, and understanding. 

But how does one acquire such traits?  

Like in the Wizard of Oz movie, you cannot be given these traits because they are already in you.  You just have to find a way to let these traits blossom. 

“What’s in your wallet?” or (in my case) “What’s in your backpack?” 

 In a place long ago and far away (another movie reference and the date was actually 1994), I went to a Stephen Covey training after reading his highly acclaimed book at the time, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. “  There I received the cards that I attached as pics to this article.  I have kept them in my backpack ever since and refer to them often.

We generally keep things that we cherish.

The training I received back then carried me through a beautiful career (33 years) in education as an administrator and beyond.  In using Covey’s tenet of Habit 3 – Putting First Things First, I have found that you have to become highly effective in your personal life first, then be a highly effective leader.  

Pro-Tip: Some of the best advice I can give you (rooted in Covey’s philosophy) is to work on the following…

Working on becoming a highly effective person is the best way to become a highly effective leader.  I hope you can adopt some of Stephen Covey’s principles and find your path towards becoming a highly effective leader.  

If you want to connect and learn more, reach out to me on LinkedIn or on our website,