“Focus on What You Can Control, Let Go of the Rest”

Life is full of uncertainties, and we often find ourselves overwhelmed by things beyond our control. The phrase “Control the Controllables” offers a simple yet profound strategy for navigating these uncertainties. This concept, rooted in wisdom and practicality, has resonated with many, including athletes, leaders, and everyday individuals seeking to lead more focused and fulfilling lives.

The Origin of the Phrase

I first encountered the phrase “Control the Controllables” 40 years ago during my early days of coaching football. On a rainy day, worried about how the weather would impact our game, my assistant principal, a former coach and mentor, gently reminded me that I had no control over the weather. His advice was straightforward: “Control the controllables and leave the rest up to the Lord.”

While this saying carries a spiritual undertone, its core message is universally applicable: distinguish between what you can control and cannot and focus your energy accordingly.

Practical Application

Applying this principle in daily life involves a few critical steps:

  1. Identify What You Can Control: Your actions, reactions, attitude, and effort. For example, you can control how you prepare for a meeting, how you respond to challenges, and the attitude you bring to your interactions.
  2. Acknowledge What You Cannot Control: External factors such as the weather, other people’s actions, and unforeseen events fall into this category. Accepting these elements can free you from unnecessary worry and stress.
  3. Develop a Response Strategy: In advance, decide how you will respond to controllable and uncontrollable situations. This proactive approach helps maintain a positive and resilient mindset. I always tell people that when coaching high school football, you decide to go for it on fourth down on Sunday preparation meetings, not Friday night. Having a pre-developed response strategy takes emotional responses out of the equation.
  4. Cultivate a Positive Attitude: Maintaining a positive outlook, even when faced with uncontrollable circumstances, can significantly impact your overall well-being. Counting your blessings and focusing on your strengths can reinforce this positive mindset.

The Mindset of a Leader

As a leader, embracing the concept of controlling the controllables can be particularly empowering. It enables you to focus on what truly matters and maximize the talents and resources at your disposal. This approach enhances your effectiveness and sets a positive example for those you lead.

A recent example was when a philanthropic foundation released new nonprofit grant opportunities. They were very specific in the qualifications and projected outcomes that the nonprofits would not have much control over. Therefore, many of them would not qualify. The best advice I have in these cases is to move on, or the phrase I generally use is “bless and release.” You would not want to do something off-mission to receive a grant successfully.

Worrying about things outside your control can lead to feelings of inadequacy and inward focus. Instead, by concentrating on what you can influence, you foster a sense of achievement and outward focus, which can be incredibly motivating for you and your team.

Embracing the Philosophy

To truly benefit from this philosophy, integrate it into your daily routine. Reflect on your day and identify moments where you successfully controlled the controllables and instances where you might have been distracted by the uncontrollable. This practice will gradually enhance your ability to focus on what you can change and let go of what you cannot.

In conclusion, “Control the Controllables” is a timeless piece of advice that can guide you through life’s complexities. By focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you cannot, you can lead a more purposeful, resilient, and fulfilling life. Remember, count your blessings, maintain a positive attitude, and make the best of the talents given to you.

How can we help?

The future of effective leadership lies in the ability to learn and grow through a comprehensive leadership development plan. This is where organizations can become intentional. At Everyone Thrives Consultant Services, we offer opportunities to collaborate and partner with those looking to sharpen their leadership skills and strategically build a comprehensive leadership approach to building capacity in this area. Feel free to message me through LinkedIn or info@langloisconsultantservices.com for more information on how we can serve you.